Upgrade to Enterprise Plus and Save 50%

Upgrade to vSphere or vSphere with Operations Management Enterprise Plus edition to leverage the full set of vSphere and vSphere with Operations Management capabilities.

For a limited time, get 50% off when you upgrade from vSphere or vSphere with Operations Management Enterprise to vSphere or vSphere with Operations Management Enterprise Plus. You can also upgrade from vSphere Enterprise edition to vSphere with Operations Management Enterprise Plus edition and get 50% off as well.

Why consider the upgrade?

The Enterprise Plus editions provide the full range of vSphere features, including Distributed Switch, Host Profiles and Auto Deploy. These new features can improve application availability and performance, helping transform your data centers into dramatically simplified cloud computing environments.

The vSphere with Operations Management Enterprise Plus edition takes vSphere to the next level with intelligent operations and consistent management.

Compare vSphere and vSphere with Operations Management editions and learn more about how this promotion works.

Promotional Rules

  • The vSphere Enterprise to vSphere Enterprise Plus and vSphere with Operations Management Enterprise to vSphere with Operations Management Enterprise Plus promotions are valid February 10, 2016 through July 29, 2017 at 11:59 pm PT (Pacific Time).
  • The vSphere Enterprise to vSphere with Operations Management Enterprise Plus promotion is valid June 1, 2016 through July 29, 2017 at 11:59 pm PT (Pacific Time).

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